Wednesday 28 January 2015

Keeping Your Apartment Clean Without Cleaning All Morning

Unless you are way beyond the lower upper income bracket, chances are that your apartment is not as spacious as you would love it to be. Keeping tiny spaces clean could be a real bother even if you had the time. Keeping your apartment clean, on the other hand, will not only portray you as a responsible individual but also have a positive impact on your morale and self-esteem.

Get Rid of What You Don’t Need

This is the first and most basic rule. The lesser the things you have in your apartment the less effort you will expend in keeping them orderly. Dispose those soft drink bottles you no longer need. Put your precious magazine in a box, or a bookshelf rather than leave them lying under the table. Stashing away what you do not frequently use and disposing what you won’t need any time soon leaves you with lesser things to clean.

Clean as Soon as Possible

Piling utensils in the kitchen as you cook will increase your workload after the meal. Procrastinating doing the dishes to a later hour is an even worse decision. Dumping used utensils in the sink and cleaning them as you cook will leave you just the plates and cooking dishes to do after the meal.

Extrapolate the same philosophy to all parts of the house. Mop up spillages as soon as they form and avoid letting your laundry pile. Doing your cleaning in bits makes the work seem easier since you will be done with the little tasks in no time.

Set Aside Ten Minutes for Daily Rash Cleaning

Even though the cleaning as soon as possible philosophy should keep your apartment in order, setting aside some ten minutes to wrap up the loose ends should set everything in order. Use this time to straighten up things, rearrange the living room and put things back in order. You can do this as you brush your teeth in the morning or during TV commercial breaks.

Do Thorough Cleaning Once a Week

To keep up with the piling disorder courtesy of the shallow daily cleaning, you need to set aside a day for deep cleaning. An hour or two of the weekend should be enough. Mob up the apartment, sweep under the chairs, do some dusting and clean the windows. The better you handle this cleaning the lesser you will have to do to carry the look through the week.

Invest in the Right Tools

The right cleaning tools will get the job done faster. They might even make cleaning fun. Wrong tools will make it boring and a bother. Cleaning the carpet, for instance, with too soft a broom will increase the number of strokes you need use to move the dirt. Using a vacuum cleaner or a stiffer broom will do the job faster. The same applies to cleaning agents, mops and scouring pads.

Keeping your apartment clean without an hour of daily cleaning requires a lot of discipline and change in habits. It will be hard to start. Once the habit sticks, you might have to guard against being a clean freak!

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